Will owls respond if they’re called? Whooooo knows! Join Natural Areas staff for an owl prowl that will begin indoors with a presentation about these amazing nocturnal predators, their habitats, and behaviors. The evening continues with a hike along well-traveled paths as we call out for these elusive birds. Test your auditory skills by listening for their responses. Dress for the weather and choose clothing that doesn’t make noise when you move. You may bring a flashlight or headlamp, however, it MUST be a red light to protect everyone’s night vision.
Program will meet in the Horine Reservation at the Horine Conference Center. 12408 Holsclaw Hill Rd. on Google Maps. Park in the large gravel lot and walk down the drive to the conference center.
FEE: $10/person
For ages 10 and older (must be able to stand quietly for several minutes at a time.) A parent/ legal guardian must accompany anyone under the age of 18.
Preregistration required. Register online or by calling 502/368-5404

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